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Investigate Spctrum Binning ms_matplotlib#
Here we use a dummy spectrum example to investigate spectrum binning.

import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import requests
from io import StringIO
pd.options.plotting.backend = "ms_matplotlib"
# download the file for example plotting
url = (
response = requests.get(url)
response.raise_for_status() # Check for any HTTP errors
df = pd.read_csv(StringIO(response.text), sep="\t")
# Let's assess the peak binning and create a 4 by 2 subplot to visualize the different methods of binning
params_list = [
{"title": "Spectrum (Raw)", "bin_peaks": False},
"title": "Spectrum (agg: sum | bin: freedman)",
"bin_peaks": "auto",
"bin_method": "freedman-diaconis",
"aggregation_method": "sum",
"title": "Spectrum (agg: mean | bin: freedman)",
"bin_peaks": "auto",
"bin_method": "freedman-diaconis",
"aggregation_method": "mean",
"title": "Spectrum (agg: sum | bin: mz-tol-bin=1)",
"bin_peaks": "auto",
"bin_method": "mz-tol-bin",
"mz_tol": 1,
"aggregation_method": "sum",
"title": "Spectrum (agg: mean | bin: mz-tol-bin=1)",
"bin_peaks": "auto",
"bin_method": "mz-tol-bin",
"mz_tol": 1,
"aggregation_method": "mean",
"title": "Spectrum (agg: max | bin: mz-tol-bin=1)",
"bin_peaks": "auto",
"bin_method": "mz-tol-bin",
"mz_tol": 1,
"aggregation_method": "max",
"title": "Spectrum (agg: max | bin: mz-tol-bin=1pct-diff)",
"bin_peaks": "auto",
"bin_method": "mz-tol-bin",
"mz_tol": "1pct-diff",
"aggregation_method": "max",
"title": "Spectrum (agg: max | bin: mz-tol-bin=freedman-diaconis)",
"bin_peaks": "auto",
"bin_method": "mz-tol-bin",
"mz_tol": "freedman-diaconis",
"aggregation_method": "max",
# Create a 3-row subplot
fig, axs = plt.subplots(4, 2, figsize=(14, 14))
i = j = 0
for params in params_list:
p = df.plot(
kind="spectrum", x="mz", y="intensity", canvas=axs[i][j], grid=False, **params
j += 1
if j >= 2: # If we've filled two columns, move to the next row
j = 0
i += 1
Total running time of the script: (0 minutes 1.773 seconds)